Media Circus

This time, the media is the circus. It’s election season in Washington. How can I tell? The Washington Post’s headlines were full of non-news “news analysis” of gloomy views about Iraq. Here is today’s cartoon from the Post, and here is today’s front-page picture of John Kerry from the Washington Times. I could use many of the same words to describe both–unfair, distorted, cheap, and blatantly partisan. No wonder people are defecting to blogs for their news.

Yesterday’s media burial of the Iraq sarin confirmation story sealed the deal for me. No, two chemmo shells don’t prove Powell’s case, but they do upset the media’s “there were no WMDs” mantra. It is has now come to this–the media have made their conclusion and are willing to hide the facts to protect it from open minds. Page 12 is always there to document that they did report the story, but it’s more of a CYA document than real reporting; just two stages above the legal notices. What will they say if we dig up the ammo dump from where those shells came?