This Is All We Need

Pennsylvania Republican Representative Curt Weldon is headed for Pyongyang again–that is, unless Condi Rice stops him again. Tension builds as statesmen everywhere wonder: “Can Curt Weldon find the key to Kim Jong Il’s soul, so that we can all get back to making money again?” Maybe Kim will show Curt his collection of companions of “utmost beauty and intelligence,” or they could toast each other with some Hennessy. You know, those things count as extraordinary diplomatic progress, because they build trust, which is like love, because it’s all you need.


UPDATE, 8 Jan 05. Well, at least Tom Lantos will be there to keep Weldon in line. A Democrat like Lantos–or at least a more telegenic version with a less Hungarian, more Clintonian accent–is the kind of guy who could make the Dems a credible force again.

Lantos lived through the Holocaust, and it’s no doubt a big part of the reason he was a big backer of the NKHRA. In fact, it’s my best guess that he’s the one who stopped liberal House Democrats from opposing it.