Did Kim Jong Il Have a U.S. Visa? In my native South Dakota, it’s not uncommon to pick up a few choice Lakota words, particularly since my dad grew up next to a reservation and speaks the language fairly well. Lakota can be a very expressive language, and one of my favorite words is kaeyapi, a mass noun that translates roughly to a jumble of unsubstantiated rumor. I’m not sure how unsubstantiated this is, but it sounds very suspect, so file it under kaeyapi.

Is it plausible that Kim Jong Il would come to the United States under any circumstances? Not to me. Other reports in the story make more sense, such as the report that Kim invested on Wall Street, only to have his assets frozen. One of the things a North Korea watcher realizes first is that Marxist principles simply don’t apply to the regime and its top echelon.