Freedom Marches On: Courtesy of Publius Pundit, here are pictures and a write-up of the massive weekend demonstration against China’s war threats against Taiwan. You might sight a couple of protest babes, too, although IMHO, Taiwan has failed to reach its true potential in the use of this devastating missile-reprogramming weapon. Don’t miss his report on the large pro-democracy protest in Bahrain, either.

One can’t help noticing how bellicose China has become about Taiwan since Taiwan began directly electing its leaders around a decade ago. China knows that the success of democracy in an alternative Chinese nation–this one bearing the legitimacy of the consent of the governed–is lethal to its exhausted lie that Chinese can’t govern themselves. Indeed, the existence of a nearby Chinese democracy is particularly dangerous to China at a time when social unrest, rural discontent, and even peasant uprisings have become so intense and frequent that China seemingly only holds onto the countryside because the protests remain scattered and uncoordinated.

UPDATE: Now, even Mongolia is getting in on the act.