You Don’t Say

“Restart of Nuke Talks Is Only First Step”

Listening to CSPAN last night, it came out the North Koreans haven’t even set a date–definite or otherwise–for their return. Preconditions? Why, it never came up. And that doesn’t even approach the question of substantive progress. Of all people you wouldn’t have expected to report the best call, the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler did:

[A] U.S. official familiar with the one-hour meeting [sounds like DiTrani, no?] and two Asian officials briefed by the Americans said the North Korean message was neither negative nor positive. One Asian official said the session may have been timed to lessen any sense of crisis before President Bush meets later this week with South Korean President Roh Moo Hyun.

“This is their effort to show they are still in the game,” said the U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the diplomatic sensitivity. He said it was disappointing North Korea would not set a firm date for restarting the talks.

A senior Asian diplomat agreed, saying “nothing spectacular” occurred. “It is a gesture” by North Korea, “a very neutral thing,” he said.

Off-again date ought to be late Friday or shortly thereafter.