Die, Fred Phelps

How do you tell the extreme left and the extreme right apart in these warped times? Just examine the similarities and the differences, in that order: contempt for the soldiers, an ability to see “good” side of 9/11, and a hatred for government policy / policy-makers that exceeds their love of this country and its guiding principles. The chief difference appears to be spiritual: the choice of gods and the choice of devils (necons or fags–take your pick).

When your self-hatred runs deep enough for you to long for the defeat of your country’s Army at the hands of the same group that killed 3,000 innocent Americans, I think I’m entitled to question not just your patriotism, but your stability.

Or maybe I’m just over-analyzing some heartless, twisted fucks who would protest at a soldier’s funeral. If there is a hell, God will save Fred Phelps a place in the Stalin Suite.