Tongsun Park’s Friends Offer to Post $2M Bail

I’d like to have some of this guy’s friends, and let’s not forget the South Korean officials who conveniently lost him for all these months:

Mr. Park “is a guaranteed risk of flight,” an assistant United States attorney, Stephen Miller, told Magistrate Judge Theodore H. Katz in Federal District Court in Manhattan. Mr. Miller said Mr. Park had “fled back to South Korea” after he was served in December 2004 with a grand jury subpoena at the Watergate hotel in Washington.

But when questioned by the judge, prosecutors acknowledged they had allowed Mr. Park to return to South Korea for the 2004 Christmas holiday based on his pledge that he would return to face the grand jury.

Eventually, Park went to visit someone in Canada and ended up in Mexico on his way to the Caribbean. So the Mexicans turned him over, but the Koreans didn’t. Odd. I’m sure this is completely unrelated to Ban Ki-Moon’s ambition to be U.N. Secretary General.