Yomiuri: Kim Jong Il Personally Ordered Japanese Abductions

I’ll just let you read this entire piece and ponder the following:

  • How long will Sin Gwang Su be treated like a hero in Pyongyang, now that the word is out that he fingered the Dear Leader himself under questioning?
  • How forthcoming were the South Koreans with this information?
  • Have the North Koreans admitted to abducting this poor soul?

Sin entered Japan in a spy ship on the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture in April 1980 and kidnapped Hara, who was then 43 and an employee of a restaurant in Osaka, in June. He took Hara in the spy ship from the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture to Nampo, western North Korea, the same month and handed him over to another North Korean agent. Sin memorized Hara’s personal information and entered Japan again on a spy ship and passed himself off as Hara, according to the ANSP documents.