
This one is straight out of the Peter Ban book of Foreign Policy:

A new sign reading “Passengers Heading to Pyongyang Board Here” was set up on the Dorasan Station platform, one of the test-operation sections of the Gyeongeui and Donghae Lines over which South and North Korea reached an agreement on May 13.

What an amazing coincidence! Why, that’s just six days before the next election! Still, if we really, really wish for it, it will be. I wonder what soldiers tell you when you actually try to plunk down your hard-earned won to buy a ticket.

7 Responses

  1. I wonder what soldiers tell you when you actually try to plunk down your hard-earned won to buy a ticket.

    “Yankee go home.”

  2. I’ll be sure to go there the next time I am in South Korea. But I’ll need some Koreans to go with me to act as my translator.

    How easy is it for South Koreans to go to Pyong Yang? My understanding is that South Koreans still do not have a lot of freedom to travel. for example, I can go to Pan munJeom but they cannot even though a part of Pan mun Jeom is in South Korea. I guess their government is too ashamed to let them go there for they will see that their flag is not being represented on the South side. Its North Korea flag on one side, the UN flag on the other. The South is non existent in Pan MunJeom. Its a shame.

    If South Koreans are liberated and can travel freely to the North, then they will see for themselves that the war has truly ended. Then it will be just a matter of time for them to get their house back. (meaning US troops leaving).

    Then Joshua, your mission will be accomplished.

  3. So, Maharith, you want the USA troops to leave? Well, do you think we really like the idea of being somewhere where the gratitude is pitiful and the lack of knowledge is prevelant? We do not wish to be here.

    We are here, however, because Kim Jong Il is a crazy nut! Do you believe the South could defend themselves against the North? Would you like to find out?

    We are not that cold hearted. We know they have no forces equivalent to that of the North. So what you are really saying is that would prefer to see the South in gulags as well?

    You are a bad thinker! Go back to the drawing board, and have a nice day.

  4. “Do you believe the South could defend themselves against the North?”

    Explain why in the event of a war, the South would be inadequently prepared to defend itself against the North and why it would be likely for a war to break out in the peninsular and you will have a very good chance to change my stand.

    That is the crux of the issue. Can the South adequently defend itself. If the answer is yes, then the US troops is time to go. If the answer is no, then we’ll all want US troops to stay.

  5. US should wait till next ROK presidential election then decide whether to leave the trip in hostile (getting more so) environment or get the hell out. If PIG Uri wins then bail. Oh yeah and let the whole world know that the line has been drawn on ROK is on its own. Hey last time US declared this didn’t elder Kim attack?

    To liberal Koreans who has not experienced hunger, war and oppression (just look to brotheren up north), BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR – AS IT JUST MIGHT BECOME TRUE AND NIGHTMARES UNFOLD.

    Then I bet all these anti-americans will be knocking on US Embassy for way out. LOL