Tora! Tora! Tora! (Part 2)

Stop presses! Jap bombers launch dastardly sneak attack on Kwangju! Roosevelt rushes back from Warm Springs on his special train, calls Congress into emergency session! Roh orders families of Japanese businessmen interned on Koje-Do!

Hack diplomacy, meet hack journalism. Score this round goes for the bad guys. On the positive side, at least South Korea is awake now.

[Part I]

5 Responses

  1. Japan’s UN Resolution is bad because it
    invokes Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, which allows the use of force against NK. China and SK will never accept that.

    Also, NK’s missile tests are not in violation of any international law or treaty, so penalties are not justified. Last Sunday, India tested a long-range nuclear-capable missile, but most countries are not complaining about it.

  2. Technically, North Korea’s launches, as they panned out, were not violations of any international law. That is true. It is the history of North Korea, a consistent history with the same regime and many of the same people in power, that causes paranoia over where the missiles were going and what they were tested for. I hope you don’t think Japan should wait until a missile hits them to have any right to react. And, the missile flight over Japan in ’98 WAS a violation of international law so precedent is set where we know NK, won’t regard the law in its missile tests.

    India, did test a missile. That too is correct. But, they also announced it in advance and announced the time and direction of the firing and marked a restricted zone in the water where the missile flight was intended to go over. Also, it wasn’t considered long range or ICBM; it was a medium range, nuclear capable, missile (I know that really isn’t important). Even though the tests failed it was clear that they were not aimed at any country but into a designated spot in the ocean.

  3. Mi-Hwa, I hope you adopt the exact relaxed posture should Japan do some tests of a short range missile launched in the direction of Busan for instance but splashes down offshore? Perhaps Koreans wouldn’t mind too much if they tested a longer range missile over the heads of Roh and company?
    I find it amazing that Koreans in the south aren’t hot about their totalitarin cousins to the north but at a peaceful, democratic, prosperous Japan during this latest missile crisis. Japan has exactly zero missiles, artillery pieces, commandos lined up against the south. They are NO threat at all to Korea. Yet the is the noise from the south.
    I do think KJI is a gifted thinker to have used the missile tests to unify Koreans on the threat posed by Japan. Brilliant. Maybe its not Roh that is leading the unification, but in fact KJI?

  4. Yep so here’s long awaited response out of NO’s House of Blue.

    NO and his cronies openly attacking Japan for their righteous views. NO can’t say jack shit to his sugar daddy Kim yet barks at wrong tree whipping up anti-Japanese feelings stoked “nationalism”…

    Check out this article from Asia Times:

    Author Kirk hit it right on…

    Here is the last paragraph:

    These differences alone reveal the gulf between South Korea and the US. The North Korean missile shots have landed on target, widening the rift, deepening the discord, resurrecting the specter of the ancient Japanese foe. There may be ways to postpone a widening crisis, but no foreseeable way out.

  5. Yep, not at all surprised to hear this statement from commie leftist intelligence sharing SOB – AKA uniFICTION minister per Chosun:

    Unification Minister Lee Jong-seok echoed the sentiment. “When it comes to security threats, North Korea poses a microscopic one in the short term, but we can’t deny the that Japan poses one in the long term and from a historical point of view,” Lee said. He registered “surprise” at Tokyo’s talk of military strikes on North Korea.

    Wait! Did this commie say “DPRK poses a microscopic threat one in the short term”?

    With the delay of evicting farmers out of new base in PT and other stalling tactic like new demand for environmental clean-up and cost of the move (something already agreed years ago in writing), USFK should seriously consider getting out of ROK IF GNP loses the presidential election in Dec 2007.