
Tongsun Park has been convicted in his Oil for Food trial, for acting as an unregistered agent for Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. History will note this as just one more time the U.N. abetted a dictator’s self-aggrandizement at the expense of his suffering subjects. A hat tip to Claudia Rosett herself for sending.

And in a delicious coincidence, South Korea picked today to formally nominate Ban Ki Moon to be the next U.N. General Secretary. This story says not one peep about Ban’s preeminent role in South Korea’s coverup of mass starvation and murder in the North. Ban is morally unfit to give my toilet plunger a tongue bath. His ascendancy would be cause to write the U.N. off entirely.

3 Responses

  1. do you really find it necessary to have ban ascend in order to write off the U.N ? shouldn’t you write it off anyway ? written off, a very long time ago..?

  2. I find it amusing for NO and his cronies to push for Ban Ki Mun the spineless foreign minister as shoe in successor to Kofi Anan.

    Moronic NO and his cronies are already trying to “buy” their way into smaller countries and courting China. Who said next UN leader has to come out of Asia and Ban is the one? Anyway, US Ambassador Bolton the “lighting rod” stated that one should be open and give the job to one who is respected and deserved and not by region. Well said!

    As Joshua pointed out, Ban looked the other way as “corded” crony of NO and he outlived other foreign ministers so that just tells you he is only fit to clean the toilets at UN building. Any toilet licking SOB who look the other way on DPRK ATROCITIES deserve to go to hell with his daddy NO.

  3. In January 2000, Jesse Helms addressed the United Nations Security Council. The focus of his speech was to warn the nations represented there to not spurn the generosity of the United States by taking their money allowing with their freedoms in the name of international law or “globalization.” His speech was not well received by the elitists in attendence nor by the European community which has deemed itself as a whole worthy of the upper class European heritage of pretension.


    Nevertheless, six years later his words still ring true and now as the world outside the US focuses on Bush “errors, arrogance, or injustices” it has conveniently ignored the real errors of the United Nations which led Saddam Hussein back to a point of potency and a threatening posture. Their errors are what forced Bush to his critical move in Iraq. Ban Ki Moon has made similar egregious errors in the name of diplomacy through his dubious dealings with North Korea in collaboration with KDJ. It only seems fitting now that he would seem himself as a proper replacement for Annan. If Americans were to revisit Helms speech now and consider the trend he saw taking place in the world many more then over would acknowledge his prescience at the time. But, it isn’t too late to heed his wisdom and reclaim our sovereignty. Now, Bush’s words ring true: “The UN is not for us; so they must be against us.” (my paraphrase).