I Can See My House from Here!

I guess it’s been raining a bit in Korea. Oddly enough, my first year in Korea, 1998, was another of those wet years. The flooding in Samgakji knocked down several buildings, killed a few people, and did major damage to the No. 6 Subway line construction. The flooding that year was about the same as what you see here. Afterward, I strolled down to the riverside walkway — since landscaped at great cost — and found a dead dog rotting on the sidewalk. Nice.

It was a much better year for me than it could have been because on-post housing was under renovation and unavailable, forcing me off post to a 12th floor apartment in the building indicated. As you might imagine, the views at night were stunning — the 63 Building and Youido, boats on the river, trains on the bridges, and streams of light from the traffic.

Original photo by Reuters, from here.