One reason I don’t think the North Koreans would invade South Korea is the simple fact that their infiltration of the South has been so successful as to render war unnecessarily strenuous. Now, the powerful and well funded Korean Teachers’ Union — remember them? — is caught in the act of flogging juche to its members. The ultimate recipients would have been South Korean kids. Although the KTU didn’t disclose the source of its information, this should have been a clue:

Quoting a U.S-based sociologist, it also hails North Korean leader Kim Jong-il’s Songun or military-first policy as a “unique achievement.

Strictly speaking, that’s true. I can’t think of one other regime that’s managed to starve 10% of its people to death while its elite drive Mercedez sedans and quaff cognac. How this societal model appeals to socialists escapes me.

South Korea is in serious need of educational reform, or a least another perspective. More on South Korea’s Fifth Column here.

3 Responses

  1. Sad reality is that teacher union has been thoroughly infiltrated by commie agents mich akin to most other labor unions in ROK.

    These liberal leftist commies who share same views as our resident whipping girl (is she really female or ?) Mihwa in turn are brain-washing innocent children…

  2. This is why we expats in Korea chuckle when Seoul demands that Japan not approve “distorted” history textbooks, which by the way less than 1 percent of Japanese schools use anyway.