Operation Ieodo Freedom© Begins!

ieodo.jpgYou have got to be kidding me. This is Ieodo? It’s not even an island.

Stll, the big, bold “Ieodo Korea” is a nice touch, and if that’s not enough to preserve Korea’s territorial integrity (such as it is), those crack VANK commandoes launched a bold pre-dawn raid — on the “Suyan Rock” Wikipedia page — and overwhelmed the sleeping red hordes to seize control of the smoldering, pock-marked moonscape that remains. According to that same Wiki page, Ieodo is 4.6 meters below sea level. At low tide. Well, on the bright side, we may soon test the limits of Korean nationalists’ honeymoon with the Mother Kingdom, and I suppose the chances of actual armed conflict are fairly remote.

There was even a Korean film called “Ieodo,” also with a warped plot involving an unhealthy obsession with semen (pattern?). Do check that out if you’re so inclined; for the viewing pleasure of everyone else, I reprint a Google Earth map showing the location of Ieodo below.


3 Responses

  1. capital city of china’s legitimate govt? 🙂 Haha, you will get a lot of hate mails from the pro-Green foreigners living in the beautiful island of Taiwan.

    For those who want to check out google earth, the coords are listed in wiki
    32°07′22.63″N, 125°10′56.81″E
    let us know if you could find that oil rig.

    The Okinotori strategy (or growing coral) does not work, as it is to cold and too deep under. Maybe exploding the earth crust to let out some lava?

  2. Korean are insulting themslves! and also insulting the readers’ inteligent!

    Take a look at this picture: http://image.ohmynews.com/down/images/1/zzzohmy_116056_4%5B1%5D.jpg, do you know where it was located?

    Take a look at this picture: http://pic.people.com.cn/mediafile/200602/20/F200602201452542926723763.jpg

    It is also in your history book when published at 1985, check the local history book at 한국의 최남단 마라도.

    wow, it doesn’t look like the sign was located at this one: http://photocdn.sohu.com/20061127/Img246641722.jpg… and suddenly, until in recent years, Korean media/government remember part of Chinese land is their southmost land? Give me a break! You want it because of the oil under the ocean, that is it! but don’t lie to others that it belonged to you before! even my grandson can lie better than this!

    I have a lot korean friends in United States and I like them a lot. They work hard and treat others honestly. But I don’t understand the things happening inside Korea, where give me the picture of punks. You guys simply ignore the most basic human moral standard, ignore what is right or what is wrong. That is NOT a honest country will do: right now the whole Korean can do any dirty trick to achieve whatever the goal is.

    Lets look back history. You guys have a lot records: remember the 1984 Seoul Olympics? remember how many medals south Korean won in that game? now check out how many medals south Korean won in all other Olympics game hold later? I am wonder how come Korean only can win so many medals in Seoul, but not everywhere else? I guess because Korean only play honestly inside their home 🙂

    Also, I guess this korean professor also got a lot international reputation by doing things honestly, right? http://www.biblelife.org/stemcell-clone-puppy.jpg

    Afterall, I thought Chinese were the expert on making fake product (check out their LV bag in street), but you Korean shocks me and make me laugh so hard sometimes: you guys are much better than Chinese, you don’t make fake product, but you are making a fake history and a fake culture:)

    Thanks God I live in United State and there is a big ocean between Korea and US. Otherwise, you korean will soon to claim that Hawaii is the part of your country..