Everybody Riot!

This week, U.S. forces picked up or put down (I use the term in the veterinary sense) 20 members of an al-Qaeda cell in Baghdad.  It’s always unfortunate when terrorists choose to take shelter in civilian neighborhoods; worse yet when some inhabitants choose to shelter them, thus endangering their families and their neighbors.  As a consequence, a woman and child who didn’t have to die, died.  Observe the reaction of some:

Angry men at the scene held up a color image of a smiling, winking Jesus giving a “thumbs up” sign that they said was left by troops at the raided house. The image, known as the “Buddy Christ,” is from the movie Dogma, a 1999 religious satire.

[Pic]   Everyone meet on the National Mall in two hours!   Bring pickforks and gasoline!
Oh, almost forgot.  This is even worse than missing out on Christmas and pepperoni.

2 Responses

  1. Many would and have put their families and children in harms way for the sole purpose of accusing the USA of targeting innocent women and children, then parading this collateral damage everywhere they can for propaganda purposes. And the far-left is all too happy to oblige.
    It’s amazing the lengths the USA goes to avoid innocent casualties, while the go to great lengths to MAXIMIZE even innocent civilian casualties.

    In regards to the hypocrisy….. I think the Pope did a calculated brilliant move a few weeks ago. Even the Europeans are more and more starting to call bullshit on the double standards of islamic bigotry.