Two Questions for Lee Jae-Joung

1.  If poverty is  really the reason why North Korea builds nukes, then why is it that the people who actually built the thing  have so much higher a standard of living than  I do  (contrarily, I wonder how much Lee really knows about what poor North Koreans think about this)?

2.  If the key to denuclearization is ending poverty in North Korea, why has your government tolerated the North Korean regime’s theft of your government’s aid from the neediest North Koreans?

Absent a satisfactory answer, I’m inclined to consider Minister Lee’s proposal to be a cynical  effort to  put a humanitarian disguise on the cowardly appeasement of a tyrant by financing  his WMD programs and luxurious lifestyle.  South Korea’s new slogan ought to be, “No worse friend, no better enemy.”  Extra fun:  wanna buy a used North Korean Mercedes?