New Blogroll Additions

I’ve added three new sites to the blogroll under “Human Rights Sites,” be sure to give them a look:

  • Frequent commenter USinKorea has put up a very good North Korea Human Rights 101 page for those new to the topic, with numerous links to both scholarly reports and videos he edited himself.  He calls it North Korea:  Our Holocaust Now.
  • During North Korea Freedom Week, I met a very congenial young woman from PSALTNK, a new Christian human rights site that did me the supreme honor of asking to syndicate my posts here.  (I suppose this means I have to watch my language now, but that’s a sacrifice I can make.)   Be sure to give it a look; it’s very nicely designed and looks to have great potential.
  • Finally, I really don’t know how I could have forgotten one of the sites that inspired me to start blogging:  The Chosun Journal.  It had been inactive for a while, but now that it’s back, I’m happy to link it.

I’ve been playing with my comment spam  plugins recently; please advise if this has caused you any trouble.  Thanks.

— The Management.


1 Response

  1. Thanks for the plug. The Chosun Journal also has a video section tied in with a Group option at You Tube people can join. You don’t actually have to post your own videos in it, I think. If you are a You Tube surfer and run across videos related to North Korea human rights issues and what not, you can post the videos to the group page so people who stop by can view it too….