Celebrating Four Years and 364 Days of Obscure Futility!

Tomorrow is OFK’s five-year bloggiversary.

12 Responses

  1. Congrats OFK!! I read your blog everyday. The amount of work you put into it and the sheer number of updates you publish make it one of the best blogs out there on any subject. I hope you keep at it for another 5 years.

  2. re-reading my comment I should say that I HOPE YOU DON’T HAVE to keep at it for another 5 years. I of course wish that the dream of your name and masthead can be reached within that time.

  3. Many, many thanks for the wit, the news, and the uncommon sense.

    You have completed your first five-year plan with exemplary service to the people!

  4. Joshua: I hope that this will be the first of many 5 year anniversaries. Thank you for enhancing my knowledge of Korea — North and South.

  5. Josh,
    Keep on trucking.
    You provide those of us in uniform with the best OSINT on the web, bar none. Your diligence, analytical prowess, attention to detail and humor make your blog a mission -essential stop for defenders of the Pen. You have taught me a lot about the DPRK and I am in your debt. Congrats on the 5 years! May the next 5 be blogging about reunification issues under South Korean rule.

  6. Congratulations on five years of exceptional blogging about things Korean. Your compilation, analysis, ideas, and sympathies have broadened my knowledge and enriched my life. Your uncanny take on the ironies of international relations (eg, “Build them, and they will pay”) provides not only laughter but rare insights into the human heart. May your vision of One Free Korea be fulfilled at the earliest possible date. Thank you.

  7. Josh, there’s definitely a reason National Geographic and all the rest of us come to you for information. Thank you so much for all your research & analysis & good humor year in and year out. (And please pass on a special thanks to your family for letting you put so much time into OFK!)

  8. Just to echo everyone else, keep up the great work as this site is definitely a must read for anyone interested in Korea.

    [OFK: Thank you, and thanks to everyone else for your kind comments, which I truly, deeply appreciate.]