You Tube Find: ‘Don’t Tell My Mother That I Am in North Korea’

I’ve had my fill of guided travelogues of Pyongyang’s mandatory sights, but occasionally, something irreverent and daring pierces the veil and gives you a few glimpses behind the facade. The “Vice Guide to North Korea” was one of these. Commenter Ditto 81 gets a big hat tip for “Don’t Tell My Mother That I Am in North Korea,” the observations of a group of French Canadian journalists who lied their way in by claiming to be actors and real estate agents. Here’s Part 1:

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2 Responses

  1. Same premise and m.o. as “Holidays in the Axis of Evil” which was done several years ago, and much less smug and pleased with itself.

    Why did they replace the cool music from the Mass Games with that cheesy-ass Euro techno?

    Dude also needs to work on his accent, for sure. Where the hell is “Pee-yang-young”?