N. Korea: CIA and Lee Killed Roh

Did I or did I not call it?

The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea Tuesday released a detailed report on the truth about the death of Roh Moo Hyun, former “president” of south Korea.  According to the detailed report, Roh’s death was not a suicide but a politically motivated, premeditated and deliberate terror and murder orchestrated by the United States and the pro-American conservative forces of south Korea.  [KCNA]

So he didn’t kill himself?

The puppet prosecution, totally reduced to a waiting maid of the fascist dictator, deliberately made even the information about the case known to the “Grand National Party” and media, though it remained unconfirmed at the phase of investigation, thus perpetrating all sorts of personal libels against Roh and bringing disgrace to him. The ultra-right conservative knockers went the lengths of openly forcing him into “suicide.”
Unable to endure scornful feelings, Roh finally killed himself as a manifestation of his curse and resistance.

OK, so he did kill himself.

The United States had long kept him on the “list of those to be killed”, regarding him as undesirable person. Roh thus fell victim to the U.S. policy for colonial domination as he stood in the way of implementing it.

That’s it?  Can’t they even make up a story that Richard Perle pushed him while David Frum choloformed the bodyguard?  If KCNA can’t write better fiction than this, can Götterdämmerung be far away?

4 Responses

  1. While the CIA and the ultra-right wing puppets in Seoul were up to their usual shenanigans, the Japanese imperialists “media” outlet TV Asahi, was busy defaming the peerless leader and 21st Century Sun of the Korean race, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il, by displaying a so-called photograph of his heroic son, New Star General Jong Un, in his adulthood. The subject of the photograph was soon revealed to be a South Korean man, aged 40. The Worker’s Party declined to comment on this ignominious case.


  2. KJI is peerless indeed. I have a so-called photograph of him hanging on my wall.

    HAHA the Götterdämmerung reference is ridiculous…though not any more ridiculous than the KCNA.

  3. Did I or did I not call it?

    Not to be picky or anything —— but I’m pretty sure the sun is going to rise in the east tomorrow too…