Technical Issues

No, my hosting service tells me, this site has not been hacked by Unit 121, although as of now, they’re not sure what the problem is. Thanks for being patient while we figure this out. Some of the subdirectories obviously still don’t work.

If there’s one piece of advice I can pass along, it’s this: back of your databases regularly. You’ll be glad you did. I know I am.

Update: Fixed? Fingers crossed ….

8 Responses

  1. Site issues: I couldn’t load any pages using Firefox – each attempt at different pages tried to save/open an application.

    Explorer worked fine on my computer and at a library I was at today.

  2. I would be exceedingly careful if I was you. Change all of your passwords
    used on any website, and make them all secure.

    The hack was returning the actual PHP pages for the site, including
    config files and sensitive data. I would be kicking up a big stink to
    Bluehost if it was me. The only way that can happen is if someone
    changed Apache’s configuration – so something went very wrong.

  3. Curious…

    I’m using Mozilla Firefox 5.0 and it still does like noted above…

    The download small window will open asking to choose between Open With or Save to Disk.

    The message above that is: You have chosen to open [blank] which is a: application/x-httpd-php4 from:


  4. No. That wasn’t it.

    I didn’t think it would, because I have the browser set to delete the chache each day or each time I close it – can’t remember which.

    Also, in going to try the refresh, I noticed the small download/open with window comes up immediately on clicking — the website address doesn’t even show up in the address bar – so there is nothing to refresh.

    Is anybody else using Firefox?

    Maybe I’ll ask over at GI Korea’s to see if other Firefox users will try it and see what happens for them.

    I haven’t had this issue with other sites I read regularly either…

  5. usinkorea, I had exactly the same problem. I could only access the blog through google searching particular articles, and then clicking on comments to read posts — even clicking the bannder resulted in the aforementioned file download prompt. It’s stopped now though, for whatever reason.

  6. An upgrade of Firefox fixed the problem for me.

    I couldn’t load any page I tried.

    After reading on GI Korea’s where other Firefox people were not having the problem, I tried rebooting but still had the same problem.

    Then I updating Firefox and just loaded the site and this post with no trouble.

    So, upgrading seems to be the way to go…