Was North Korea Really Behind the Cyber Attacks?

The London Times reports that a Vietnamese computer forensic company has traced the attacks from computers in North Korea back to UK, causing some papers’ headlines to strongly suggest that North Korea has been absolved.  Reading further into the Times’s piece, one reads that the attack was traced back to a “master computer” operating from a Brighton, UK ISP, but makes no conclusions as to who was controlling that computer. The New York Times explains why it can be so difficult to trace cyber attacks.

Me:  nothing I’ve seen either implicating or absolving North Korea thus far looks very convincing, although the choice of particular U.S. and South Korean government targets (including Treasury and Secret Service) is suspicious, but I’m not drawing any firm conclusions until I’ve seen more evidence.  If the hackers intentionally went to the trouble of routing their attacks through North Korea, that would suggest an attempt by some third party to deflect suspicion on the world’s most usual suspect.

1 Response

  1. Hey Joshua,

    It’s interesting to see your take on whether North Korea is behind the attacks. As the New York Times article indicated, trying to trace the source of these attacks is incredibly difficult. It’s especially frustrating for those who are anonymous attacked and are unable to identify their attackers.