Hillary Clinton’s Death-Glare Renders African Student Permanently Impotent

OK, so Hillary Clinton has had a few stumbles in her diplomatic outreach to old enemies (it’s probably for the best anyway). Maybe this would be a good time to clear the palate with a gauzy “public diplomacy” photo op in some backward place where the natives will show deference to Her Majesty:

Whooooa — he stands corrected! I think that poor fellow’s voice rose a whole octave.

I wonder what has the Secretary so sensitive about her position and relevance this week.

4 Responses

  1. I just saw this on the news and they said the person who asked the question actually wanted her to answer what President Obama thought on the issue and it was mistranslated by the translator as President Clinton.

    She definitely seems a bit too sensitive.

  2. Very interesting. When I was watching it I was a bit surprised that the person was asking about her opinion about what Mr. Clinton said.

  3. I love this video! The first thing that comes to mind is Hillary’s previous revelation that she didn’t want to take this job in the first place. I remember Hillary said that she had a list of other Secretary of Stare candidates to choose.

    Think about the abuse she has taken in recent weeks. She goes to India and is met there by Greta Van Susteren, who travelled halfway around the word to ask Hillary on camera if her daughter Chelsea is engaged. Then she attends meetings in Thailand, where she is insulted by North Korea as looking like a pensioner. She finally gets home after a long trip and within 24 hours is interrogated on Meet The Press with the same annoying questions about her relationship with President Obama: “what about that 3 a.m. phone call campaign ad? what about your previous passion for health care reform? what about running for president again? will there ever be a female president?”

    Is there a more miserable destination after all this frustration than Africa? You can tell from her body language that she does not want to be sitting there at that Kinshasa town hall meeting while Bill is in Orlando soaking up his loose canonization for sainthood and then suddenly she hears this: “What does Mr. Clinton think through the mouth of Mrs. Clinton?” SNAP!

  4. Hillary overreacted because she was probably sick and tired of being asked about her husband.
    Later on, she tried to make it up to the student by shaking his hand and smiling at him.