. . . And the Walter Duranty Award Goes To . . .
There is no limit to the harm that the stupidity of U.N.-think causes,* and if you doubt me, then check out this story, and this one. That’s right–three international “aid workers” have published a guide to fine dining in Pyongyang. As we never would have doubted, those with money and power can eat very well in Pyongyang, even as millions are going hungry elsewhere in this small country. Here, as elsewhere, size does matter, because these international aid workers, if they were any better than wide-eyed tourists making a career and industry out of other people’s hunger, could cater those delicacies to the starving in a few hours.
If you don’t get the Walter Duranty reference, click here.
* U.N.-think–The belief, based in intellectually lazy presumptions of moral equivalence, that all systems of government are inherently equal and legitimate, regardless of the absence of consent of the governed or their welfare under said system.