More Gas Chamber Evidence Emerges

Another North Korean defector, this one a chemical weapons “scientist,” is telling the BBC how he killed people in gas chambers. Link and video clip here:

“The purpose of this experiment was to determine how long it takes for a human being to die – we wanted to determine how much gas was necessary to annihilate the whole city of Seoul.”

The South Koreans apparently tried to stop him from talking to the media, and of course, they say it’s not reliable. So what is Seoul doing to actually find out whether their hottest new ally and trading partner is laying plans to “annihilate the whole city of Seoul?”

Hat tip: Antti, who runs this blog.

UPDATE:  A minister in the British Foreign Office has called for North Korea to admit U.N. human rights monitors.  I predict that the U.N. will not forcefully demand the right to send them.  The North Koreans would never admit them.  Nothing will come of this.  Yet, it’s still an important and positive development because nothing happens today until the U.N. flunks it first.