S Korean Press Reacts to the NKHRA

It varies from positive to despondent, to seeming ignorance at the Korea Herald, which has had next to nothing to say on the subject.  The cumulative effect is moral and political paralysis.

OhMyNews is especially entertaining as it tries to make the case that doing nothing for the North Koreans is–in spite of all appearances to the contrary–somehow the compassionate thing to do.  You could get a migraine trying to follow some of the “logic.”  In one breath, they suggest that American soldiers and tax revenue are their birthright and all-around necessary evil; in the next, they fulminate that nothing that happens in Korea is any 0f our business.  Sorry, guys.  It’s a package deal.

And of course, we would still have an moral interest in genocide even if there wasn’t a single American soldier in Korea.  Just ask Sudan.