The New China: Today, Power Comes from the Tip of a Cattle Prod

The BBC covered the story of China’s arrest of 65 North Koreans, which appears to be the start of a crackdown. Let’s hope it’s even less successful than the South Korean crackdown on prostitution appears to be. Please help these refugees by copying the sample letter here, pasting it into the congressional Web forms here and here, and hitting “send.” Then reach around and pat yourself on the back.
Here is today’s illustration of why the leaders of China are a bunch of unelected thugs without a scintilla of legitimacy to rule.
I lifted this off a moonbat lefty site, so consider the source, but this Tibetan monk–if he is to be believed, because the story is pretty amazing–had the cojones to run off with all of his tormentors’ toys and display them to the media. Read the article, which actually looks quite credible and raises issues that merit serious discussion about just how far we want our free trade with China to go, and just exactly how much openness free trade is buying us there. Color me skeptical, despite my general belief that free trade can improve societies . . . as long as they don’t actively resist improvement.

I would not be happy if my country provided the Chinese with the cattle prods they used on the terrified women and kids at the South Korean school the other day.

As for the relevance of the linked piece, it’s what we lawyers refer to as “evidence of similar crimes, wrongs, or acts.”