Oops. Lost my Internet connection all day yesterday. Hope to have some updates soon. Spent much of the morning on the phone with HP technicians in Bombay Mumbai, India. They never like telling you where they are, for some reason, even if it’s painfully obvious that it’s somewhere between Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. Given that Comcast completely failed to deliver (as usual), it was nice to get some effective help finally, even if it took two tries.

What does one do during a day without the Internet? For one, get a life. I built the Baby Man a gargantuan fortress and a maze from the cardboard boxes left over from the last move. A big success with him. For those of you who are parents, a friendly warning. Power rangers=the crack cocaine of children’s television. A toddler’s neurons, once exposed to that volume of explosions, monsters, fight scenes, and stunts, will forever be those of a Power Ranger addict. Why, just yesterday, he built his first coherent Lego contruction. A gun, of course. That’s the contribution from my genes. So you still think boys and girls are born just the same?