What’s the Korean word for “oblivious?” Yonhap ran this headline today: “S.K. Expects U.S. to Be More Flexible: Roh Aide.” The subject of the story was not yoga, it was North Korea. Umm, don’t these guys read the papers? Even Reuben Staines at the Korea Times agrees with my assessment that Bush sounded a lot like he was talking about Kim Jong Il. He did everything but say, “Hey piggy boy in North Korea, yeah, I’m talkin’ to you.”

UPDATE: This wire service report also concludes that Bush’s North Korea policy is most certainly not going where Roh “expects” (I concede that “expect” has another meaning, as in “I expect your soldiers to defend my country without leaving a two-block radius of the front gates of their bases,” but I don’t think that’s what he meant). Then again, maybe some of the boys in the Blue House have started to stir and rub their eyes; now, they’re giving Bush’s speech “mixed” reviews, which they probably mean in the Siskel-and-Ebert sense.