Much, Much More on Christine Ahn

OhMyNews recently ran an interview with Christine Ahn, a strong opponent of the North Korean Human Rights Act. As it turns out, there are a few things OhMyNews didn’t tell its readers about Ms. Ahn’s membership in a group called the Korean Solidarity Committee. You can see much, much more at this very long post. My apologies in advance; it took a week to research and write this. You have been warned.

UPDATE: Dave at No Illusions has added much research and detail to the systematic dismantling of Christine Ahn’s defense of the North Korean regime. His entire piece is well worth a read, but his most devastating point takes apart Ms. Ahn’s accusation that U.S. trade sanctions caused North Korea’s poverty. Dave seems to think that she flat-out lied in her numerous demonstrably false statements. She might be (and we’re both speculating here), but I’m charitable enough to believe that she is so predisposed to defend the North Korean regime (whatever it may do) and attack U.S. policy (whatever it may be) that facts are ancillary and she tosses them around sloppily without caring whether they’re actually true. Either way, she’s wrong on both facts and policy, and she’s supporting policies that she must know are enslaving, starving, and killing millions.