Revolution: Impossible Until It Is Inevitable

Lebanon Update: Things are getting very interesting there. It’s all starting to take on a somewhat Ukrainian look, and the Syrians really don’t dare to suppress them violently at this point. What they might do is turn Hezbollah loose on the demonstrators, however. That would mean civil war, and it would be an opportunity to support the Lebanese who seek the extinction of Hezbollah as a political and military force. Nothing resembling victory in our own war against terrorists is possible until we accomplish the latter.

UPDATE, 2/28: The Lebanese government has just resigned:

The announcement prompted cheers from more than 25,000 flag-waving
demonstrators protesting against the government and its Syrian backers outside
the parliament building.

The big losers? Syria’s Ba’athists, the Iraqi terrorists (who have become a liability that Syria can no longer affored), Hezbollah, and further downstream, Iran, which has long used Syria and Hezbollah to project its influence into the Arab world.

And of course, anything that shrinks America’s diplomatic and military to-do list is bad news for those remaining on that list, which is indeed the case if Syria has now been (1) marginalized as a force for ill, or (2) fatally weakened in the eyes of its own people. Ultimately, that makes North Korea another big loser.

And yeah, I suppose I would love to know just what’s buried in Syria’s ammo dumps, one way or another.