Let France Choose Its Ally. France says it wouldn’t dream of being so irresponsible as to sell weapons to the Chinese. . . which explains why they’re trying to lift the arms embargo. A tale we’ve heard before, in Iraq, and France sold them weapons right up to the eve of the war. I say let France sell China arms–which are mostly crappe in any event–and put France and the rest of the EU on the technology control list. Then arm Taiwan to the teeth and call it what it is–the one, sole, elected, legitimate government of China.

UPDATE: It’s gotten to the point where I see new milestones in France’s road to demographic and economic perdition as good news for the greater world. France, after all, is seeking to (1) dominate Europe, and (2) swing its weight in the service of reviving semiglobal tyranny, specifically the Chinese flavor. Given that French success at this enterprise would prolong the poverty and enslavement of millions and likely kill millions more, I have no compunction about cheering on the self-inflicted impediments to this scheme–namely a flaccid economy and spiraling debt. Over the long-term, however, Europe’s decline–which reflects the same trends as France’s–is bad for everyone. Fifty years from now, Europe could find itself amidst a new wave of racial unrest, violence, terrorism, pogroms, and war.

I’m far more optimistic about China’s long-term, post-Maoist future than I am about Europe’s.