Thank you for visiting. Traffic at this blog continues to rise ever higher. Thank you.

Sure, triumph and disaster and all that, and no, they’re not Instapundit numbers, but they represent steady growth among what appears to be a select, influential, and intelligent readership. The most gratifying part of this to me is reading my Statcounter and seeing that you’re coming here to read topical information, inform yourselves, inform me, and identify trends on the peninsula. Nor do the numbers represent any big links, although I certainly appreciate all the ones I get, particularly from the thoughtful No Illusions and taxdp, and of course, the Yangban and the occasional LiNK-lanche. In fact, very few of you are coming in from referring links. Nearly all of you are returning for regular reading from all corners of the globe–primarily from the military, academia, some big media, Fortune 500 corporations, and of course, Korea-watchers and human rights activists.

My special thanks to the military readers; my heart is still with you all. We never forget your sacrifice.

Collectively, you form a nice, select group, and it gives me great pride that you consider my postings a valuable use of your time, even when you disagree with me and force me to think, reason, and defend my positions.