With a Mighty Whimper, Operation Tokdo Freedom© Ends

Roh? Using Tokdo as a cheap political stunt? Perish the thought.

Roh’s popularity had been soaring since the beginning of this year, exceeding the 50 percent mark in a poll by Choeng Wa Dae on April 29 for the first time since the 100th day of his inauguration.

“It seems that the president’s firm attitude toward Japan over recent controversies including the Dokdo islets dispute is losing its effect, and the ruling party’s defeat in the by-elections may be another factor in his decreasing popularity,” a Reseacrh [sic] & Research official said.

Roh is now back in the 30’s. This is what I meant when I said that Korean voters could be “mercurial.” No, you don’t need to be a genius to see through something that transparent. The limitation of fake crises is that they become immeasurably less distracting when a real one comes along.

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