Block Korea?

According to this comment, I’m now blocked by some ISP’s in Korea. Readers, what say you?

Those thumbdicks at the MIC are sure going to be pissed when they find out that DailyNK is going to start publishing my stuff . . . in Korean.

UPDATE, 6/8: The evidence that I’ve been blocked isn’t conclusive, in my mind, until I get more verification. I’d like to have that while Roh is still in town. Meanwhile, I’m chewing on the irony of having my site banned in the very same country whose freedom I gave four years of my life defending (albeit comfortably, since thankfully war did not come during my service there).

If any readers are accessing this site from Korea, please drop a comment and let me know (1) if the site is blocked, (2) what the message on the screen says, and (3) who your ISP is. In other words, if you’re accessing the site from a First Signal Brigade server, that might not be definitive. If you can’t get in through Kornet but can from Korea Telecom, maybe it’s just a server issue, or maybe not. If all Korean ISP’s are blocked and there’s a nice little note from the guardians of the nanny state at the MIC, that sounds fairly definitive. Thanks to all of you for your help on this.

Here is some background on previous MIC efforts to stifle opposition media and block other Korea blogs (be warned: Kevin Kim has one of the funniest blogs ever written, but even the title of his anti-censorship coalition is a four-letter word that starts with “f.”). Then again, I’m the guy who called the MIC guys “thumbdicks.”

UPDATE 2: A reader e-mails that he can access my site via his Korean ISP. Maybe it’s not my day to be Korea’s free-speech martyr. Other reports are still welcomed; still don’t know which ISP’s are working and which ones aren’t.