Misunderstanding, or a Very Orwellian Liberation Day?

The following bloggers report that they’ve been blocked in Korea: The Asia Pages, The Big Hominid, and The Lost Nomad. Simon World claims it affects both Blogger and Typepad, which would seem to affect both this site and NKZone. Some commenters on these sites report being able to load the pages, but I’m not sure who’s in Korea, and who’s on or off-post.

Readers in Korea, can you read me? What an Orwellian way that would be to celebrate one’s liberation.

Update, ~2100 EST: It certainly seems so. Typically, 30% of my visits are from Korea, but today, Korea is not on the charts at all. Second place is Slovenia, at 2%.

Update 2, 2222 EST: Two Korea-based readers are reporting no problem accessing the site, and Korea is starting to show up in my visitors’ log again. I e-mailed a contact in the Korean press and the MIC itself, notwithstanding the mixed–ok, poor–results I’ve gotten with the direct approach and the ROK government.

Update 3, 8/16: My visitors’ log shows a big surge in overnight traffic from Korea, and at least some commenters are responding to my inquiry above by reporting no trouble getting through (which admittedly is a lot like shouting, “Can you hear me?”). Despite the fact that some commenters have never experienced any problems, I’m inclined to take the word of my fellow bloggers and my visitors’ log to conclude that something funny happened over the weekend, but that it’s over now.