‘Peace In Our Time!’ Update

Chris Hill, fresh from caving in to the North Koreans and then watching them publicly repudiate the agreement anyway, may be trying to shore up his right flank:

The next thing North Korea needs to do is to tell the international community where its nuclear arms facilities are, the U.S. chief negotiator in six-party denuclearization talks Christopher Hill said Wednesday. Hill also told reporters there could be trouble ahead if North Korea in the next round of talks refuses to admit to a uranium enrichment program Washington alleges it operates.

Hill told the Chosun Ilbo the U.S. was seeking not just a confirmation that materials needed for the enrichment program went into the country but clarification what exactly became of them. Hill said he had yet to finalize plans to visit Pyongyang ahead of the next round of talks in November. He said he could make no concrete statements about a visit because there first need to be discussions with U.S. leaders including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

I’ll believe that when I see it. It can’t make anyone in Foggy Bottom happy that suddenly, we’re searching the couch cushions for South Korea’s missing uranium. Oops.