Reader’s Letter to the Editor

Reader Brendan Brown, who teaches North Korean refugees to speak English with Australian accents, has a letter in this morning’s Joongang Ilbo, opposing the National Security Law: “My rationale can best be summed up by Volitaire who famously said, ‘I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.'”

I agree with Brendan. Oppressing people for nonviolent expression or mere belief–even repugnant belief–only clothes them in the aura of dissidents, an aura that rightfully belongs to those fighting to restore freedom, not banish it.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Brendan has kindly filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission at my request. Thanks, Brendan. Also, here’s something good the HRC has done recently. Now, if only they’d support demands for redress from the abductors.