Off Him

First, I read this:

BERLIN (Reuters) – Iran is permitting around 25 high-ranking al Qaeda members to roam free in the country’s capital, including three sons of Osama bin Laden, a German monthly magazine reported on Wednesday.

Citing information from unnamed Western intelligence sources, the magazine Cicero said in a preview of an article appearing in its November edition that the individuals in question are from Egypt, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia and Europe.

They are living in houses belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, the report said.

“This is not incarceration or house arrest,” a Western intelligence agent was quoted as saying. “They can move around as they please.”

Not the first time we’ve heard this. Now I read this:

[Iranian President Ahmedinejad] then said: “And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism,” according to a quote published by Iran’s state news outlet, the Islamic Republic News Agency.

Link. More. At what point did we concede that it’s possible to do these things and still live?

Front sight post needs to be raised a click, but much better otherwise.

Seriously–nobody elected the man, and post-9/11, we’re more than entitled to take him at his word, as we should have with bin Laden. For the love of God, just off him now, before we end up spelunking for his bristly ass all over and under the Zagros Mountains. He probably doesn’t have the bomb yet, nobody would miss him, he has no political legitimacy, as one one who lives for total control over the lives of people who didn’t consent to said control, it’s a pretty tenous argument that he deserves to share our oxgyen supply.

International law? Please. Since when has Iran’s regime followed it? Since when have we, when our nation’s security was at stake? Who’s going to protect this country–Hans Frigging Brix? Kofi Annan? Jacques Chirac? The U.N.’s controlling shareholders want a multipolar world, which is diplospeak for terrorists killing Americans and keeping the latter’s power divided. It will dither long beyond the day Iran tests The Bomb, just as it and the U.S. administration of the day dithered over North Korea until it had The Bomb. The last thing we need is another pathological regime with nuclear weapons, and I really don’t give a squeaky fuck if pasty-faced genetic dead-ends at The Guardian disagree.

Off him now.

And if another one tries to build The Bomb, off him, too. Be public, honest, and brazen. Do it from the air or use local talent, but do not introduce American troops. Deny nothing except our sources and methods. Request advance approval from absolutely no one. Make no claims of sure-fire evidence of this-or-that. Simply state, after the fact, that we are taking no chances in today’s world. Proceed to blockade Abadan and every other Iranian port. Offer the Iranian people our full support to topple and hang every last fascist mullah, provided the oppo holds free and fair elections in one year. If the Iranian Army attacks civilian demonstrators, call in air support and drop weapons to the opposition, but do not introduce troops under any circumstances. No new deployments for the 101st. No supplemental appropriations. No messy exit strategies. Just a few dead people that no one will ever miss.