John Bolton’s Office Checks In

In my recent post about the North Korean Freedom Coalition’s meeting with Ambassador John Bolton, I mentioned that one of my own contributions to the meeting was the creation of a plaque to commemorate the meeting and thank Amb. John Bolton for his work on behalf of the North Korean people. One of his key staffers, the one who wrote the now-famous “hellish nightmare” speech, no less, has dropped a comment at the bottom of the thread, one I’m just too proud to let anyone miss:


I am the staffer who had the pleasure of meeting with you and your colleagues in New York a few days ago. While I will steer clear of the debates in this thread, I would like to confirm that the plaque you presented him with is now on display directly outside of his door.



That’s not bad advertising space, even for New York. In a world that seems to have lost any empirically justifiable or compassionate basis for its human rights priorities, it’s a good feeling to be able to bring a situation in urgent need of world attention into the light. Thank you, Mark.

[Post back-dated 12 hours in consideration of the Yangban’s live-blogging.]

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