Competition for the KTU?

The America-hating, 9/11-celebrating Korean Teachers’ Union is about to get some competition:

A new teachers’ union opposing the Korean Teachers and Education Worker`s Union (KTU) will be launched in March. It announced that it would engage in an education campaign that practices free democracy based on the Korean constitution and respects the rights of students, and that it would develop into an organization that will replace the KTU. In other words, it announced that it would become a rational organization that would stand up against the ideologically left-leaning KTU.

More on the KTU here.

Update: This doesn’t exactly astonish me:

Korea’s teachers get an “F” in economics, an economist at Hankuk University of
Foreign Studies said yesterday. He was addressing the Korean Economic Association yesterday. Park Myung-ho said that 153 middle- and high-school teachers were given a test on economic theory, and scored an average of only 52 percent.

He told the association, “Many teachers lack a good understanding of the market economy and have anti-business sentiments.” He said that about a quarter of the teachers that present material on economics were hired to teach courses other than social sciences. He recommended that more attention be given to more training for teachers.The test, however, included some apparently subjective questions, including one asking the test-takers to identify an incorrect statement about the role of companies in an economy.

I bet they would have scored higher if there had been more questions about the “means of production” and the “dictatorship of the proletariat.” Such loaded questions can’t help but skew the results, can they?