Punchbowl, Meet Turd

You have to love this headline:

U.S. Investigators Smash Hopes of N. Korea Compromise

Investigators? The people who find just the facts, ma’am, have smashed those hopes, as opposed to the protaganists behind those facts (the counterfeiters, anyone)?

A U.S. investigation team headed by the Treasury Department’s deputy assistant secretary for terrorist financing and financial crimes, Daniel Glaser, on Monday presented Korean officials with its evidence that North Korea is engaged in counterfeiting U.S. dollars. The team was met by Kim Sook, the director-general of the North American affairs bureau in the Foreign Ministry. South Korean officials said the evidence offered by the U.S. team was “pretty convincing.

What, did they have Kim Jong Il confessing on tape? That must have been some evidence for that bunch to call it “convincing.” But take my word on this–the Roh government will be back to calling it “alleged” counterfeiting and acting ambivalent about the evidence in less than a week.