‘Why I Published Those Cartoons’
Fleming Rose, Editor of the Jyllands-Posten, explains. Meanwhile, there is more fuel for my “paxil in the water” proposal:
- Attacking a U.S. embassy over Danish cartoons.
- “God Bless Hitler.” A German newspaper thinks the message this sends is unclear.
- Nigerian Muslim mobs burn churches, kill three kids and a priest. Fifteen dead, total. What’s most noticeable about all this isn’t the existence of extremism. It’s the lack of a moderate response.
- Tigerhawk is through with asymetic sensitivity. My own feeling is that our treatment of violence and thuggishness as legitimate – even to the point of capitulation to them – emboldens those reactions.
- The newest outrage: blasphemous Mohammed emoticons!
- Still no takers on my fatwa offering a hundred bucks to anyone who smears a violence-inciting Pakistani cleric in lard.