S. Korean Students Will Hold Summit on N. Korean Human Rights

[Updated 6 Jun 06] In the heart of hostile territory, no less — North Cholla Province!

The Young Students’ Solidarity for North Korean Human Rights (YSS) announced on June 1, “We will hold the “˜College Students’ Progress Assembly for Improvement in North Korean Human Rights and Democracy,’ which is the first time college students alone have held a meeting related to North Korean human rights.

Founded in May 2003, the organization has a membership of over 500 students at 25 universities nationwide.

The meeting will be attended by some 300 students from universities in Seoul–Korea, Yonsei and Sogang universities to name a few–and Chonbuk National University and other universities in North Jeolla Province.

I had not previously heard of this group, which is taking the radical left students head-on, although I’ve met Kim Ik-Hwan, if I’m not mistaken:

YSS President Kim Ik-hwan, a graduate student at the North Korean Reunification Policy Department in the Graduate School of Public Policy at Sogang University, said, “Not only ordinary students, but also student activists are paying more attention to North Korean human rights. The assembly will serve as an opportunity to make the North Korean human rights issue a top agenda.

With regard to student activists’ perspective on North Korean human rights, Kim said, “Amid “˜great leader absolutism’ and the abuses of dictatorship, numerous North Korean residents are suffering at political prisons. Pro-North Korean leftist student activists, however, are still making unintelligent behaviors. Now it is time that students should openly discuss the issue of North Korean human rights.

========= Update 6 Jun 06: =========

The Daily NK has much more:

One participant said, “Lyrics reflecting the reality of North Korea, contrary to violent and anti American lyrics in the past, are close to my heart”.

Participants agreed for a resolution and declared that “Youthful conscience cannot stand Kim Jong Il regime which turns out to be the fundamental cause for the sufferings of the North Korean people. We will work for North Korean human rights and struggles against Kim Jong Il along with all the youth in the world who support democracy”.

From the picture, it looks like there may indeed have been 300 people there. More importantly, this looks like a sign that this is an indigenous South Korean movement that is starting to take root.