Can Anyone Still Save the FTA?

The South Korean government has concluded that its proposed Free Trade Agreement with the United States has a P.R. problem. Workshop to be announced; head-scratching to follow. Let’s hope whatever discussion comes of this will be more productive than previous warnings about CIA microphones disguises as insects.

Thus far, the government has been afraid to take on the extremists, thugs, and demagogues who have seized control of this debate, often forcibly, but if those people comprise a significant portion of the last 14% of Koreans to support this government, my hopes are not high. For all of my ambivalence on the military alliance (and its ground component in particular), I’m convinced that an FTA would be a good thing for both countries. So, apparently, are most of the South Korean people.

Because the majority of Koreans can capable of seeing the issue in a more sensible light, it’s not too late to save the FTA. Unfortunately, it’s almost a sure thing that President Roh Moo Hyun won’t find the political will to do it.