Islamic Terror in South Korea?

That’s been my worry ever since I was there, and apparently, the South Korean authorities are worried, too. Generally, the “camp follower” subculture that grows up around a U.S. military installation is right outside the gate. In Seoul, that subculture is in Itaewon, several blocks away. Itaewon ended up being the most “foreigner-friendly” zone in Seoul, which attracted third-country nationals and eventually, a large mosque. Today, that mosque sits right on top of “hooker hill,” the, um, intercourse of the most purient what Korea sells, and Americans (and others) buy.

When you watch bearded Pakistani men in pakhol hats and shalwar kamiz walking past that, looking like they just stepped out of a Peshawar madrassa, you can’t help wonder if someone won’t eventually see some of those clubs as soft targets. Yes, I worry.