Operation Ieodo Freedom© Begins!

You have got to be kidding me. This is Ieodo? It’s not even an island.

Stll, the big, bold “Ieodo Korea” is a nice touch, and if that’s not enough to preserve Korea’s territorial integrity (such as it is), those crack VANK commandoes launched a bold pre-dawn raid — on the “Suyan Rock” Wikipedia page — and overwhelmed the sleeping red hordes to seize control of the smoldering, pock-marked moonscape that remains. According to that same Wiki page, Ieodo is 4.6 meters below sea level. At low tide. Well, on the bright side, we may soon test the limits of Korean nationalists’ honeymoon with the Mother Kingdom, and I suppose the chances of actual armed conflict are fairly remote.

There was even a Korean film called “Ieodo,” also with a warped plot involving an unhealthy obsession with semen (pattern?). Do check that out if you’re so inclined; for the viewing pleasure of everyone else, I reprint a Google Earth map showing the location of Ieodo below.
