Al-Qaeda In Iraq Welcomes Dem Victory; Can the Dems Prove Them Wrong?

On the audio tape made available on militant Web sites, the al-Qaida in Iraq leader also welcomed the Republican electoral defeat that led to the departure of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. He added that the group’s fighters would not rest until they had blown up the White House.

Can anyone argue that we can negotiate with  or run from these people?  Will running away from them do anything but give them more recruits and contributions?  Will running away bring peace to Iraq?  Will it make us safe?  Will it make those who hate us, hate less than they hated us in 2001?  If you were an Iraqi, wouldn’t you be hedging your bets about now?  Not if a bipartisan consensus emerges that we must win this war, no matter how hard it becomes.  The tactics can change, but the objective cannot.  America cannot let a self-loathing minority take control of one of its great political parties and  surrender  our security by proxy.  [link]