At What Precise Moment Did Andrew Sullivan …

… transform himself from a principled defender of liberal values to someone who is willing to deceive to make his points? 

The video shows Iraqi troops beating three men who’d been caught with a bag full of mortars in their car. I don’t defend the beatings, which at least one American tries fecklessly to stop, but calling people captured with mortars “civilians” is a bit of a distortion, no?   

I noticed  it at the precise moment Bush declared his support for the anti-gay marriage amendment (which I also oppose).  I guess the Dorian Gray analogy is too easy, but it saddens you to see it.  Plenty of people love to enjoy the benefits of life in a liberal society, and they’re even willing to defend that society  … as long as  doing so remains easy and politically popular.

In the future, all wars will be won by the side  with the best propaganda, not the best weapons.  For how long can a free society whose information is dominated by  self-hating intellectuals survive?  Just watch the Caliphate slowly digest the Soft Reich.