German Newspaper: Supernotes Are a CIA Plot!

Things sure have gotten strange over in the Soft Reich when a major German newspaper, the Frankfurter Allemaigne Zeitung, theorizes — in a complete evidentiary vacuum, too — that North Korean supernotes are actually a secret CIA plot run  from from a printing house in the DC area  (Korean link).  The sole basis for this novel theory, besides the unshakeable conviction that George W. Bush must be responsible for all evil on earth, is that counterfeiting is simply too complex for a poor country like North Korea.

No word on whether North Korea’s nuclear weapons were built at Oak Ridge.  For  some more substantial journalism on the origins of the North Korean supernote, see this.

This theory will spread like wildfire in South Korea, where it will be accepted by millions without question … just like a theory espoused a few decades ago that Jewish bankers conspired to undermine the Kaiser’s war effort and impose the Treaty of Versailles on the Fatherland.  Nice to see that the Germans  haven’t lost their touch  at groundless  scapegoating, and that the spirit of Der Sturmer lives on in one of its widest circulation dailies.

Le plus c’est change.